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Seahawks 2024 Summer Swim Club 

Practices and Water Polo begin Monday June 3

Lessons begin Monday June 10


MON/WED/THU @ TAC (The Triangle Aquatic Center), 275 Convention Dr., Cary

Friday @ Edgebook Poo,l 1503 Kenbrook Drive, Garner


Swim Team Tryouts for new families

Monday JUN 3 @ Noon​

Tryout costs June 3 are $15 per swimmer/ $10 second child/ $5 siblings


Summer Club Membership Costs:   $50 summer club fee for each family.  $25  for families only participating in swim lessons. For summer 2024 the Seahawks will be participating in the summer swim league, TSA (Tarheel Swim Association), on Tuesday nights.  Except granted by permission, swim team members are required to participate in swim meets.  Those in competitive lessons are eligiblle to swim in meets but it is not mandatory.


Swim Practice & Swim Meet Costs:

•  Come when you want, pay weekly as you go.  Swimmers must participate in at least one practice per wee.

•  $15 for each practice of each weekk ($10 second child,  $5 each additional child).

•  The third and subsequent practices of each week drops to $10 for the first child, $5 each additional child.

•  Water polo counts the same as a swim practice.

• League Swim meets have a fee of $15,  $10, and $5 for each meet.  Championships meets have an additional cost.

Make checks payable to TCC (The Christian Community)


Lesson Costs:

Group: $15 per 1/2 hour lesson for the first child, $10 ea. additional sibling.

Private: $30 per 1/2 hour lesson  for the first child, $10 second child, $5 ea. additional sibling. By appointment only.  

Liability Costs:  For all new participants in 2024. $6 per swimmer or lessons child.  If you are playing water polo, there is a $12 liability fee for participation. Fee covers you through AUG 2024.



Our summer season runs MON JUN 3 to WED JUL 31

with additional options in August.

No practices or lessons on WED, THU & FRI, July 3 to 5.


White Team, Blue Team & Masters Hours

(starts MON JUN 3)

MON 1:00 to 2:00 @ TAC

WED: 1:30 to 2:30 @ TAC

THU: 1:30 to 2:30 @ TAC

FRI: 7:15 AM to 9:00 AM @ Edgebrook

(5 min team devotional after Friday practices)


Silver/Platinum Hours

(starts MON JUN 3)

MON 1:00 to 2:00 @ TAC

WED: 1:30 to 3:00 @ TAC

THU: 1:30 to 3:00 @ TAC

FRI: 7:15 AM  to 9:00 AM @ Edgebrook


Water Polo (starts MON JUN 3)

MON 2:15 to 3:30@ TAC


Dryland Exercise and Devotional

(starts WED JUNE 5)

WED 1:00 to 1:30 PM @ TAC.


Swim Lessons (start MON JUN 10)

Beginning & CompetItive

MON: Group lessons: 12:15 to 12:45

WED: Group Lessons 12:30 to 1:00

THU:  Group Lessons 12:45 to 1:15​

Private Lessons & Swim Team Coaching

by appointment only,



Summer Swim Meet Schedule


All meets start at 6:00 PM. 

Away meets arrive 5:00

Home meets arrive 4:45


06/11 TUE @ Kildaire Farms

06/18 TUE @ Brighton Forest 

06/25  TUE @ Glennridge

07/02 TUE Lake at Park @ Edgebrook (arrive 4:45)

07/09 TUE @ Harmony

07/16  TUE TCC @ Kits Creek


Championship Meet:

TSA  SAT 7/20 @ TAC

Awards Banquet:

TUE JUL 30 (location to be determined)



Swimmers must wear the proper team

suit to compete in swim meets:


Solid Black one piece for girls (no two piece)

Solid Black jammer for boys (no speedos)


Only team caps can be worn.








The Christian Community •  Raleigh NC • 919-212-6955


"But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "  - Matthew 9:13

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